What Are Preppers Preparing For?


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Have you ever heard of preppers?

They are people who are preparing for emergencies, disasters, and survival situations.

The scope of preparedness is large and up to the prepared individual, ranging from simple power outages to apocalyptic events.

Prepping is apparently a largely American activity, and a recent one.

Companies that cater to people who want to be self-reliant for food, water, and power have grown their revenue by about 700 percent over the last decade, and prepper products are becoming more and more popular.

But what exactly are preppers preparing for?

In this blog post, we will explore the different reasons why people become preppers, and what they are preparing for.

What Are Preppers Preparing For?

Preppers are getting ready to be self-reliant regardless of the challenges that life may throw their way.

They take reasonable steps to prepare for the future while also making time to enjoy the present.

While some preppers are preparing for “The End of the World as We Know It” (TEOTWAWKI) or the great Zombie Apocalypse, the vast majority of preppers are just getting ready to take care of their families regardless of the circumstances they may find themselves in.

They are preparing for events that are fairly likely such as natural disasters, power outages, and financial challenges which are just a part of everyone’s lives.

They are self-reliant and want to be able to take care of themselves and their families in case of an emergency.

Compelling Reasons You Should Be a Prepper

There are many compelling reasons why you should be a prepper.

First, prepping can help you be more self-reliant and less dependent on others.

Second, prepping can help you save money by buying in bulk and being prepared for emergencies.

Third, prepping can help you be more prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies.

Fourth, prepping can help you be more prepared for financial challenges.

Fifth, prepping can help you be more prepared for power outages and other disruptions in services.

Sixth, prepping can help you be more prepared for personal emergencies such as job loss or illness.

The Public Image of a Prepper

To the extent that one exists, the public image of a prepper is of someone who’s getting ready for the collapse of society, at which point money and electric grids, along with all the things that depend on them, will become unavailable.

Preppers are ready to purify water to drink, hunt and butcher for food, and defend their homes from looters.

They are often portrayed as paranoid and extreme, but in reality, most preppers are just regular people who want to be prepared for emergencies.


Prepping is becoming more and more popular as people become more aware of the need to be prepared for emergencies.

Preppers are getting ready to be self-reliant regardless of the challenges that life may throw their way.

They take reasonable steps to prepare for the future while also making time to enjoy the present.

While some preppers are preparing for “The End of the World as We Know It” (TEOTWAWKI) or the great Zombie Apocalypse, the vast majority of preppers are just getting ready to take care of their families regardless of the circumstances they may find themselves in.

Prepping can help you be more self-reliant, save money, be more prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies, be more prepared for financial challenges, be more prepared for power outages and other disruptions in services, and be more prepared for personal emergencies such as job loss or illness.
